Ziming Liu I obtained PhD degree from ACENTAURI team, INRIA, advised by Dr. Philippe Martinet, Dr. Ezio Malis. Before that, I obtained master degree of software engineering from BIT, supervised by Prof. Guangyu Gao, and Prof. Alex K. Qin (SUT), Dr. Lin Sun (Magic Leap). |
@inproceedings{stereoone-icassp-2024, TITLE = {{One-stage deep stereo network}}, AUTHOR = {Liu, Ziming and Malis, Ezio and Martinet, Philippe}, BOOKTITLE = {{ICASSP 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing}}, ADDRESS = {Seoul (Korea), South Korea}, YEAR = {2024}, } |
@inproceedings{MultiMasks-ITSC-2023, TITLE = {{Multi-masks Generation for Increasing Robustness of Dense Direct Methods}}, AUTHOR = {Liu, Ziming and Malis, Ezio and Martinet, Philippe}, BOOKTITLE = {{ITSC2023 - 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems}}, ADDRESS = {Bilbao, Spain}, ORGANIZATION = {{IEEE}}, YEAR = {2023}, MONTH = Sep, } |
@article{DANet-NN-2023, title={DANet: Semi-supervised differentiated auxiliaries guided network for video action recognition}, author={Gao, Guangyu and Liu, Ziming and Zhang, Guangjun and Li, Jinyang and Qin, AK}, journal={Neural Networks}, volume={158}, pages={121--131}, year={2023}, publisher={Elsevier} } |
@inproceedings{HDVO-IROS-2022, TITLE = {{A New Dense Hybrid Stereo Visual Odometry Approach}}, AUTHOR = {Liu, Ziming and Malis, Ezio and Martinet, Philippe}, BOOKTITLE = {{IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}}, ADDRESS = {KYOTO, Japan}, PUBLISHER = {{IEEE}}, PAGES = {6998-7003}, YEAR = {2022}, MONTH = Oct, DOI = {10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981814}, } |
@inproceedings{liu2021hrdnet, title={HRDNet: high-resolution detection network for small objects}, author={Liu, Ziming and Gao, Guangyu and Sun, Lin and Fang, Zhiyuan}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (\textbf{ICME})}, pages={1--6}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} } |
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@inproceedings{liu2020ipg, title={IPG-net: Image pyramid guidance network for small object detection}, author={Liu, Ziming and Gao, Guangyu and Sun, Lin and Fang, Li}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (\textbf{CVPR}) Workshops}, pages={1026--1027}, year={2020}, organization={IEEE} } |
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@inproceedings{liu2019action, title={Action recognition with bootstrapping based long-range temporal context attention}, author={Liu, Ziming and Gao, Guangyu and Qin, A Kai and Wu, Tong and Liu, Chi Harold}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (\textbf{ACM MM})}, pages={583--591}, year={2019}, organization={ACM} } |